resulted from the conciliatory efforts of Congressman James Tallmadge of New York.
provided for Maine to enter the Union as a free state in 1820, and Missouri to enter as a slave state the following year.
prohibited slavery in the Louisiana Territory south of latitude 36°30´.
convinced the aged and retired Thomas Jefferson that the peaceful extinction of slavery by mutual agreement was now in sight.
ANSWER: The Missouri Compromise of 1820 provided for Maine to enter the Union as a free state in 1820, and Missouri to enter as a slave state the following year.
the Gullah dialect spread to the new slave territories in the Old Southwest.
the rapid transfer of slaves from other regions into the Lower Mississippi Valley significantly minimized cultural differences.
blacks rejuvenated African customs as the transatlantic slave trade ceased.
most slaves were united by their traditional religion, which persisted despite the efforts of white Christians to convert them.
ANSWER: A more unified African American culture began to emerge in the early decades of the nineteenth century because the rapid transfer of slaves from other regions into the Lower Mississippi Valley significantly minimized cultural differences.
came to hold the same cultural and religious values as wage earners in contrast to the elitism that in the eighteenth century had kept the gentry and the “common people” apart.
openly distanced themselves by values and lifestyle from wage earners in contrast to the shared cultural and religious values that had united the gentry and ordinary folk in the eighteenth century.
became more hypocritical, pretending to share cultural and religious values with wage earners, but actually behaving very differently.
tended to claim that they had risen “from rags to riches” and to flaunt their crude tastes and rough manners in contrast to the “gentlemanly” values of the eighteenth-century elites.
ANSWER: One social change resulting from the Industrial Revolution in early nineteenth-century America was that members of the upper class openly distanced themselves by values and lifestyle from wage earners in contrast to the shared cultural and religious values that had united the gentry and ordinary folk in the eighteenth century.
they lived in a republican society with democratic institutions such as the secret ballot.
they did not enfranchise the entire white population of voters.
they did not foster party competition.
they did not create apportionment based on population.
ANSWER: Planters failed to politically dominate the South because they lived in a republican society with democratic institutions such as the secret ballot.
The northern states gave priority to slaveholders' property rights so that emancipation often was spaced out over several slave generations.
Very few northerners saw any contradiction between freedom for themselves and slavery for African Americans.
Slaves were threatening violence in the northern states, causing many whites to retreat from their earlier willingness to support rapid emancipation.
Economically, slavery was becoming more viable and profitable in the North in the 1770s and early 1780s.
ANSWER: During and after the Revolution, The northern states gave priority to slaveholders' property rights so that emancipation often was spaced out over several slave generations.
sole guardianship of their children if they became widowed.
the right to collect their own wages.
the right to vote in local and state elections.
the right to own property acquired by trade, business, labors, or services.
ANSWER: In New York in 1860, the efforts of feminists such as Susan B. Anthony resulted in a law that gave women all of the following rights except the right to vote in local and state elections.
make a profit for the federal government through judicious loans to entrepreneurs.
keep the economy in equilibrium by raising or lowering interest rates in response to changes in the capitalist business cycle.
stabilize the nation's money supply by forcing state banks to periodically convert their paper money into gold and silver coin.
serve as a clearinghouse for foreign investments and currency.
ANSWER: The most important function of the Second Bank of the United States was to stabilize the nation's money supply by forcing state banks to periodically convert their paper money into gold and silver coin.
they had more talent for church administration than men.
they were naturally more pious and spiritual than men.
ANSWER: One reason women took charge of religious and charitable enterprises during and after the Second Great Awakening was because they were excluded from other public roles.
machines capable of making parts for other machines.
the steam engine.
cotton-spinning machines.
the flying shuttle loom.
ANSWER: The most outstanding contribution of American mechanics to the Industrial Revolution was the development of machines capable of making parts for other machines.