American History
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
The Mayflower Compact...
was the first “constitution” adopted in North America. was the Pilgrims' declaration of independence from England. proclaimed the ...
The Glorious Revolution in England and America...
had little impact on either England or North America apart from deposing the Stuarts and barring Roman Catholics from the English throne...
Question 1 At the same time that Parliament imposed the Stamp Act, it also passed the Quartering Act, which required... Americans to vacat...
Friday, December 30, 2011
The abolitionist William Lloyd Garrison...
attacked the US Constitution because it condoned slavery. was a minister who came to his antislavery convictions through the evangelica...
In the aftermath of the nullification crisis, President Jackson responded to southern concerns about the tariff by...
insisting that high protective tariffs were in the national interest. attempting unsuccessfully to have Congress repeal the Tariff of 1...
One social change resulting from the Industrial Revolution in early nineteenth century America was that members of the upper class...
came to hold the same cultural and religious values as wage earners in contrast to the elitism that in the eighteenth century had kept ...
Which of the following statements most accurately characterizes the American party system by the early 1840s?
As the 1840 election demonstrated, the Whigs held the edge in party discipline and mass loyalty. The two parties offered virtually the ...
The Spanish Franciscan missionaries...
tried to impose cultural assimilation and forced labor along with religious conversion of indigenous peoples. became large landowners w...
During their first couple of years in the Jamestown colony, the English migrants...
doubled the size of their population. produced an agricultural surplus--enough to trade with the Native Americans. lived remarkably di...
The Fifteenth Amendment...
prohibited state governments from using property requirements to disqualify blacks from voting. gave the full vote to all adult African...
Sunday, November 20, 2011
The plantation elite were characterized by all of the following criteria except...
roughly three thousand families comprised of the plantation elite category. plantation elites owned more than 1,000 slaves. plantation...
The ancestors of the Native American peoples...
always lived in the Western Hemisphere. migrated by sea from Polynesia. migrated by sea from China. migrated by land from northeaster...
The Missouri Compromise of 1820...
resulted from the conciliatory efforts of Congressman James Tallmadge of New York. provided for Maine to enter the Union as a free stat...
In their petitions to Congress in the 1830s, abolitionists frequently called for...
appropriating funds to compensate slave owners for emancipating their slaves. abolishing slavery in the District of Columbia. ending ...
By 1840 the South was on the cutting edge of the Market Revolution because...
it produced and exported 1.5 million bales of raw cotton, over two-thirds of the world supply. planters were using European immigrants ...
The Stamp Act Congress held in New York in 1765...
was a failure because the nine colonies represented could not agree on a unified policy. protested loss of American rights and libertie...
Friday, September 30, 2011
Which of the following statements most accurately characterizes one effect of Enlightenment on America?
American thinkers agreed with John Locke's idea that political authority was divinely ordained. Cotton Mather and the Boston physic...
The Puritans in late sixteenth-century England...
denied the concept that everyone had a calling” from God. incorporated into their religion many of the traditional Roman Catholic pract...
Friday, September 2, 2011
Before becoming president, Thomas Jefferson viewed the westward migration of Americans with...
apprehension because he believed the country was growing too large to be governed as a single republic. disapproval because he sympat...
The Compromise of 1850 did not include which of the following?
Abolition of the slave trade in the District of Columbia. Adoption of a strong fugitive slave law. The organization of the New Mexic...
Most colonists' reaction to the Navigation Acts was to...
comply with its laws out of fear of reprisals. welcome these measures as a way of strengthening the bonds of empire, which would prote...
All of the following are rights guaranteed by the first ten amendments to the Constitution except...
the right to a jury trial. the right to vote. the right to bear arms. freedom of speech. ANSWER: All of the following are rig...
The movement toward secession in the winter of 1860-1861 was most rapid in...
the Upper South. South Carolina. Virginia. Georgia. ANSWER: The movement toward secession in the winter of 1860-1861 was most ...
Monday, August 29, 2011
Which of the following statements most accurately characterizes Andrew Jackson's intentions toward Native Americans?
He planned to encourage missionaries to convert the tribes east of the Mississippi River to Christianity and white culture. He intended...
The Tariff of 1828...
reduced the rates levied on imported raw materials such as flax, hemp, iron, lead, molasses, and wool. was a significant legislative v...
The Missouri Compromise of 1820...
resulted from the conciliatory efforts of Congressman James Tallmadge of New York. provided for Maine to enter the Union as a free state...
Which of the following statements most accurately characterizes the American political system before the 1820s?
It was democratic. Local notables dominated it by managing local elections through devices such as loaning money and treating workers or t...
Which of the following statements most accurately characterizes the social philosophy of the Shakers?
Because they believed men were spiritually weaker than women, the Shakers segregated the sexes to protect men from temptation. Shaker ...
A more unified African American culture began to emerge in the early decades of the nineteenth century because...
the Gullah dialect spread to the new slave territories in the Old Southwest. the rapid transfer of slaves from other regions into the L...
The domestic slave trade affected the African American family unit before 1865 by...
destroying the sense of family. separating adults but not children from their families. destroying seventy-five percent of black mar...
By the 1830s, most laborers in the urban northeast lived in...
barracks provided by factory owners. rural areas and rode trains to their jobs in the cities. church-sponsored charity houses. cro...
In her novel Uncle Tom's Cabin, Harriet Beecher Stowe...
promoted African colonization as the best solution to the evils of slavery. urged women to leave any church that did not preach agains...
By the 1820s, more women were becoming teachers because...
they were demonstrably more intelligent than male candidates. men scorned teaching as “women's work.” state legislatures were pr...
When the Bank of the United States' charter expired in 1811...
Congress chartered the Second Bank of the United States later that same year. Federalists urged that the bank be dissolved on the grou...
Noah Webster...
created a spelling book purposefully for African Americans. published dictionaries and spelling books to conform American spelling and...
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Why did the Irish immigrate to the United States during the 1840s and 1850s?
England invaded Ireland during the mid-1840s, displacing the Irish population. They fled a famine caused by severe overpopulation and a de...
Which of the following statements most accurately characterizes the new urban culture of large U.S. cities such as New York during the early 1800s?
Thousands of young men and women who migrated from urban areas created the new urban culture. Sex and dress were marginal to the new urban...
One social change resulting from the Industrial Revolution in early nineteenth-century America was that members of the upper class...
came to hold the same cultural and religious values as wage earners in contrast to the elitism that in the eighteenth century had kept the g...
Free blacks in the South...
lived mostly in the Lower South. generally acknowledged unity with the enslaved population. won the right to trial by jury in criminal c...
Planters failed to politically dominate the South because...
they lived in a republican society with democratic institutions such as the secret ballot. they did not enfranchise the entire white popul...
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